Known for bringing people together, organizing communities and foreseeing potential outcomes 7-10 in advance, clients use these words to describe Annmarie: the human dream catcher, heyoka empath, dream weaver, equi-shaman. Annmarie’s neurodivergence allows her to act as a bridge between matters of the heart and Spirit, giving clients a felt awareness of serendipity, synchronicity and inner wisdom.
She facilitate ceremonies, vision quests, and experiential learning for not only non-profit/entrepreneurial leaders, but also VIP/high profile clients and their support teams. Annmarie holds a B.A. in Psychology/Public Policy, is an ordained minister, a licensed Equine Facilitator™ & certified Equine Gestaltist in practice of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® developed by Melisa Pearce.
No learning.
No growth.
No vision.
No plans.
No doing "the work."
Pure restoration.
For visionaries who need to rest. Come. . . let me hold you in a container of care.
That's it. Don't you deserve a break?
A mystical experience beyond words.
Over six days, you’ll go deep into guided meditative visualizations, gentle flow yoga, thought provoking journaling sessions, and paradigm shifting facilitation. A profound renewing of the nervous and digestive systems happens by way of exposure to the local culture and food in this unique Blue Zone.
From the earliest serendipitous signs from the Divine, to the later end manifestations or clearing of soul fatigue "symptoms," retreat guests embody a profound awakening. Some consider it a cathartic experience or respite that gives them deep insights or realizations they take with them the rest of their lives.
You might experience:
Deep insights and realizations
Strengthened intuition
Shifts in perception of reality
Capacity to feel more deeply
More clarity
Heightened senses
Deeper states of consciousness
Sense of purpose
Deeper connection
Living with a more open heart
Inner knowing
Bliss states Non-dual states or oneness
And much more, like….
Lots of free time to explore or rest.
Equine partnership experiences.
Saltwater pool, beach swims, waterfall soaks.
Nightlife, shopping, sightseeing.
Sound bath, cacao ceremony, optional plant medicine.
For millennia, at divinely inspired moments, horses have played a pivotal role in human evolution. They have submitted their spirits, flesh and blood to the human egoic agendas of war and greed. Now, on the brink of humanity's greatest evolutionary challenge, they are coming forward again . . . to save us from ourselves.
These four legged Shamans, have two feet on Earth and two feet in the realm beyond the veil. They prefer to communicate in their own language, but if we are quiet enough, inwardly tuned enough, connected to sensory human experience enough, a horse will form telepathic thoughts and words that can be clearly understood by human consciousness.
Nothing we think, say or do can be hidden from a horse's awareness. That’s why when a horse looks at you, you can feel them peering into your soul. And if you have the bravery to disregard common assumption and human programming to gaze deeply and unflinchingly into the eye of a horse, you just might hear the echo of your soul calling you home to love.
The Medicine Horses have been called by the Spirit of Equus to assist in returning humanity to sanity, before it's too late . . . for all of us . . . every species on the planet. Each horse has a unique healing gift and coach humans at liberty, free of restriction, in a sanctuary setting. With the ability to target root-cause issues for symptoms such as:
Physical pain or disfunction
Emotional stuck-ness or numbness
Unresolved relationship issues
Uncertainty of heart and head
Blocked creativity and zest for life
Blind spots
The Medicine Horses work solo and together in teams to assist a client in achieving profound embodied awareness to previously hidden blockages, as well as, lasting physical resolution to psychosomatic and non-psychosomatic symptoms. In the experience of a lifetime, you can come into full contact and communication with these 1,200lb shamans through the unique opportunity of the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodR developed by Melisa Pearce.
Gestalt is a human's natural state of co-creative partnership with Source, often experienced as a full-body Ah, ha! moment that results in profound behavioral change, a sense of completion and a feeling of lightness in body, mind and spirit. Gestalt Life is refraining from creating unfinished business by way of immediate processing of emotions and living moment-to-moment in full co-creative presence.
The Lucky Waytm is an immersive experiential learning structure co-created in partnership with The Medicine Horses to demonstrate the ease of returning to a natural state of joy and passion-a Gestalt Life. The Lucky Waytm is offered during retreats in an intensive or workshop format.
For more information about a Life Navigation Equine Gestalt Coaching session, reach out to [email protected].
© Gates of Insanity 2025
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