253-228-9843 a.e.huppert@live.com

Dare to imagine –

Prepare to be amazed!


Life Navigation Equine Gestalt Coaching

Eyes Are Windows To The Soul. Prepare To See Your Reflection.

Want to better deal with ending cycles passed down from your parents that leave you feeling overwhelmed and at war with yourself?

How good would it feel to be that badass woman your daughter looks up to and live with balance, strength and confidence?

Can you imagine the relief and amazement, when you and your daughters share each other’s heartfelt joys and passion?

The Medicine Horses and I can help you get in touch with parts of you that are out of alignment, so you can feel centered, while navigating life’s transitions and an unsteady, ever-changing schedule.

Together, the horses and I help to create bridges of understanding, so you and your daughter can relish important milestones and feel a deep respect and mentor-based friendship.

Why Horses?

Since time began, humanity’s future has been intertwined with horses. Horses have taken us farther and faster than we could ever travel on our own two feet. We’ve built our cities, tilled our lands and fought our wars on their backs.

What have we given horses in return for their faithful service?

Some are granted a pampered life, at least for a time. Many more are abused, neglected, treated as disposable property or simply left to languish alone and forgotten. Horses are intimately acquainted with the pain humans can inflict. That’s why they’re so good at healing wounds, yours and mine, suffered at the hands of humans.

Why would they do this for us?

After centuries of domination, being ripped away from their families and worse, served up as a meal, it might be easy to assume horses have no other choice for survival. But think about it. Can you really get a one ton animal to do anything it doesn’t want to?

The horses I work with are Equine Gestalt Coaches, and choose to be my partners not only in healing the hearts of humans, but also in carrying society toward a more equitable planet. I believe horses have a lot to teach us about owning the energy and intentions we bring to relationships, leadership and our role as stewards on Earth. After centuries being forgotten as the powerful partners in our future that they once were, could it be that now horses are here, waiting to carry us into humanity’s next evolution?

The answer is yes.


I’m Annmarie

Ever wish you had a personal advisor?

Someone who knew you so well,
you could count on them to show you the way?

As your coach for life, I’ll be there doing the three-legged race with you through those breathtaking highs we all love and gut wrenching lows we simply can’t avoid. For more than twenty years, I’ve been available by referral only, helping people overcome mountain-sized challenges on their pathway of transforming survival into a life worth living.

Now, I’ve set my sights on making the world a more loving place . . .

one mom, one daughter at a time.

The Medicine Horses and I coach Momtra-preneurs™. These creatively entrepreneurial moms working in the healing arts, and their Indigo daughters experience a healing transition from parent/child to mentor/coach that reclaims the maternal clairsensory bond through Momtra-preneur™ Soul Retrieval, a metaphorical outdoor adventure and life skills program designed to facilitate awakening and resiliency in an effort to prevent Post Traumatic Stress and the circumstances that cause it.


What I Offer

One-to-One Coaching

Do you feel like extreme emotions are coming between you and your daughter?

Gaining closure about past misunderstandings opens the door to better communication.

The Medicine Horses and I guide moms and daughters into a mutually beneficial relationship that feels easy and rewarding.

Join me and the horses for a relaxing day at the barn, where if you dare to imagine, you”ll go home amazed!

Soul Retrieval

Parenting should be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Coaching with me and the Medicine Horses turns parenting mountains into molehills.

You and your daughter play together in a day-camp experience that not only teaches life lessons joyfully, but also unties knots of trauma in this maritime themed, metaphorical, outdoor adventure program.

Momtra™ Retreats &
VIP Events

You’re a busy woman.

Need a soul boost that’s just the right fit for your packed schedule?

Momtra™ Retreats and VIP Events are a great way for busy moms and daughters to sample foundational parts of the Momtra-preneur™ Soul Retrieval program one day or a few hours at a time.

What is Gestalt?

Equine Gestalt Coaching Method 

For almost three years, I studied, practiced and cleared my own deeply held trauma responses under the apprenticeship of Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989 of the horse-human healing movement, who developed The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method ®. The experiential nature of the method is in alignment with the philosophies I wrote about in my book, PTSD Self Help: Transforming Survival into a Life Worth Living, and involves the horse as an active partner with a coach in a client’s inner exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive, co-active coaching, somatic awareness, guidance, and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in an examination of their life from the perspective of present moment choices. Through the use of highly effective tools and metaphorical experiences, the human and equine coaches support the client’s search for completion with a focus on designing a positive future free from the limitations of unfinished business that for many, is the basis of trauma.


We help moms and daughters turn on the light.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To have you (Annmarie), a survivor who has recovered from PTSD tell me those (sic) words is so comforting and inspiring. I now believe I have a future and my hope has been revived.~Danielle, Tacoma WA

I never would have even started this healing journey, if it wasn’t for you! ~ Katie, Key Center WA
My 31-year-old daughter used to be a highly motivated, self confident person. The past 5 years have taken a toll. This process helped me to create and renew these things in restoring her dignity. Thank you! ~Lajean, Tacoma WA

Easy as Try-It On!

COVID-19 Specials

When Life Goes South, Find Your True North!

Quiet . . . Private . . . Confidential

Confidant and personal advisor to wealthy entrepreneurs and their families for more than two decades, my Jill-of-all-trades skill set is highly tuned to help you uncover your own deep inner wisdom. Until now, the Medicine Horses and I were available by personal referral only.

Today, my heart is turned inside out with people adjusting to life after quarantine.

At this unprecedented time in history, I’m opening up my calendar to YOU. Here are three Try-It-On! opportunities:

Serendipity Session
Meet me by phone or on Zoom, where you’ll reflect on 1—3 thought provoking questions and receive a one-of-a-kind message from the Universe!

Your session ends with a personal encouragement, unique insight, professional referral or life skills tool reveal. A great way to see if coaching is for you! $25 per session

Serenity One-Day Retreat

Designed with the introvert in mind, this healing circle is offered monthly as a silent, forrest bathing or beach immersion highlighted by a guided meditation/visualization, creative hands-on activity, contemplative question or individual message from the Universe! No talking required! A great way to try on a unique Momtra™ Retreat. $99

Co-Immunity Community

This healing circle is an on-line, weekly touchstone for looking inward, feeling validation and gaining support. Not only that, you’ll have monthly access to the exclusive, in-person, Serendipity One-Day Retreat at the Life Navigation Tree House, barn or other beautiful location. For the budget conscious, a perfect way to try on the borrowed benefits of listening well and knowing you’re not alone. $99 month (3 month commitment)

"Blessed are those who experience the whispers from a horse's heart."

Melisa Pearce

"Self improvement can have temporary results, but lasting transformation occurs only when we honor ourselves as the source of wisdom and compassion."

Pema Chödrön

"Change happens when the pain of who we are becomes greater than the pain of becoming who we need to be."

A.E. Huppert

"Run to the rescue with LOVE, and peace will follow."

River Phoenix

I love you. I am listening.

Sarah Blondin

Want to Schedule a Discovery Call?